One of my resolutions for this year was to read 20 books. I know that this doesn't sound like a lot, and it isn't really, but I didn't read nearly enough books in 2014. When I was younger, I used to read every night before I went to bed, and at lunchtimes at school. However, since I've had more schoolwork (and access to the internet), I don't read anywhere near as much as I'd like to.
I've thought of a few books that I'd like to read this year, including:
Paper Towns - John Green
About A Boy - Nick Hornby
I'm actually currently in the middle of this book! I read High Fidelity, also by Nick Horny, not too long ago, and I love the film adaptation of this book. I'm only about 80 pages in, but I'm already really enjoying it, and even though I already know the story, I can't wait to see all the little differences between the book and the film.
Refugee Boy - Benjamin Zephaniah
My mum has been on at me to read this book for years now, and it's been gathering dust on my bookshelf for a long while, so I thought I should probably finally get round to reading it!
This year, I'd like to start reading some more classics, so what better place to start! I received this book for Christmas 2013, so after over a year, it's probably time start reading it!
Why We Broke Up - Daniel Handler
I bought this book in a Waterstones shop in Scotland a couple of years ago and I completely forgot about it until recently! I thought that the illustrations looked really pretty(don't judge a book by it's cover!), and it looked really interesting! It was also recommended by Carrie Hope Fletcher, which made me want to read it even more.
There are loads more books that I'd like to read this year, some that I haven't bought, and some that I haven't even heard of! I might write some reviews about these books in the future, so I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for reading,
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