I was nominated to do the Versatile Blogger award by Elerin, whose blog is Nighttime Birdie. Being nominated for this was a huge surprise as I have only recently got properly into blogging, and I didn't think anyone actually read it, so thank you so much for the nomination Elerin!

- Thank the blogger who nominated you, hopefully with a lovely link to their blog
- Tell 7 facts about yourself
- Finally, nominate 5-15 other blogs that you have recently discovered for the award
7 Facts About Me
1. I have been a vegetarian for my entire life, not only because I, generally, disagree with the idea of eating animals, but also because I absolutely hate the taste and texture of all the meat I've tried (which isn't a lot I'll be honest)
2. There are a lot of things that I would like to blog about, but I am too worried of the reaction they will (or won't!) get.
3. I have struggled with anxiety and panic for a few years now and I am thinking of doing a blog post on anxiety? (I'm not sure though, let me know)
4. My final GCSE exams are looming and I am entirely under-prepared, although I plan to get underway with some heavy revision soon!
5. I have learnt the flute for almost 6 years and really really love it.
6. I live in Wales and I actually love it here (although it is literally full of sheep, that stereotype is pretty much accurate)
7. Since I was 10 I have absolutely loved Taylor Swift, but when I was 13/14 I tried to pretend that I didn't anymore, I suppose to try and make myself seem cooler. Needless to say, my love for Taylor Swift is back in the open and stronger than ever, especially since she released 1989.
Sara Louise - OhSoSara
Aimee Lewis - elegantlyaimee
Thanks for reading,
Hi Menna :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post! :) I really love your variation of facts.
FACT 2: I really get how you are feeling, but just do it! It doesnt matter what other people say, just delete the stupid comments if you get any. But this should be a place where you can be honest and share what ever you want. I am looking forward to reading your new posts, hopefully on what ever you feel like.
FACT 3: DO IT! You can help so many people by writing about your experience with anxiety. I have social anxiety and it has really helped me that I can write about it on my blog. Just to get it out but then other people might be more honest too :)
I am a new follower :)
Hi Cylia
DeleteThank you!! I plan to write some different sorts of posts soon, thank you so much for your encouragement.
I've just taken a look at your blog, and I really love it! I will definitely be checking it often.
Menna :)