Thursday, 21 August 2014

Results Day

Again, I've left it a while between posts but I thought I'd just let the events pile up so I'd have a nice long blog post (I actually just forgot).
Today I got the results for my Year 10 exams, and while I know (and have been told countless times) that these results are not as important as the ones I'll get next year in Year 11, they were still pretty important to me.
My results were better than expected, and while I was extremely pleased with some of my results - including the fact that I actually PASSED MATHS! - there were some that I was disappointed with. They weren't catastrophic fails, but they were pretty far off of my target grades.
Overall though, I was pleased with what was written on my piece of paper, and although for weeks prior to results day you hear people saying 'your exam results don't define you' and 'they won't matter in a few years', when you're in the moment they seem like the most important thing in the world, and they matter a lot.
I was pleased this year because all my friends did well and got mainly the grades they wanted, and I'm so proud of my friends in Year 11 who all got into college.
The fact that some of my grades weren't as good as I wanted gives me even more motivation to work really hard in Year 11 and achieve all (ambitious) of my target grades.
Needless to say I will get two weeks into the school year and this plan will go entirely out of the window.
That's all,